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Hi! I am Aditya

Welcome to my Blog

In the quest of finding easy answers to the complex web of questions in the journey of life, I have come out with my views on the various topics, which influence the daily life of a human being. I have tried to cover the inquisitiveness of a human mind in easy to understand language.

In this site, you can also read my short stories, articles, poems, etc.
I’ll be waiting for your feedback and comments!

My Amazon #1 Best-seller

The book, INSTALL ANTIVIRUS IN YOUR HEARTWARE, is my humble effort to answer to all the queries of the general public, and educate them about healthy heart, diet, lifestyle, nutrition, etc. [Along with 51 healthy-heart recipes]
This book is in a simple 121 Q & A format and details about how to
Keep Your Heart Young… Forever

install antivirus in your heartware

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